Destroyable Low Fidelity
Emitter Node (DLFEN)™
Due to a lack of threat emulation across the Department of Defense and lack of training material to support MDO exercises, T2S Solutions has ventured to address the gap and provide a small form factor, easy to use emitter to enhance training objectives.
- Small form factor device with simple interface
- Quickly deployable to support electronic warfare home station training, spectrum manager RF interference training, electronic support intelligence training objectives
- Expected output of 60kW Peak Output Power
DLFEN™ Emitters

- S-Band Navigation Band Magnetron
- Custom Built Transmitter and Voltage Regulator
- 2 RPM Motorized Rotating Turntable
- Elevation Settings at 0°, 15°, 30°
- Peak RF Power - 62kW
- RF Frequency - 3.05Ghz +/-30 MHz
- Pulse Width - 890nsec to 1050nsec
- Repetition Rate - 1.35msec to 1.6msec
- 20 dBi Standard Gain Horn Antenna
- Average RF Power - 42W to 49W
- Total System ERP - 98 dBm